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The Creator's Perspective on Influencer Marketing
Chrissy Carroll
Introduction (1:00)
Topic 1: Blogging Best Practices
Topic 2: Pinterest Best Practices
John William Barger III
Introduction (0:53)
Topic 1: Reasonable Deliverables & Timelines
Topic 2: Why Engagement Matters... But Quality Matters More
Olia Hamolia
Introduction (1:18)
Topic 1: Diversifying Your Influencer Marketing Channels
Topic 2: Benefits & Risks of One-Off Collaborations vs. Multi-Month Contracts
Rosalynne (Rose) Montoya
Introduction (2:20)
Topic 1: Why Working with LGBTQPIA+ Individuals Year Round is Crucial (The Impact & Benefits)
Topic 2: How to Contact & Respect a LGBTQPIA+ Person you Wish to Hire
Conclusion (0:30)
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Topic 2: Benefits & Risks of One-Off Collaborations vs. Multi-Month Contracts
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